As designed Reaction list reloads on closing the modal and re-opening it again


Well-known member
Affected version
Reaction list reloads even if we already opened it once and closed.

To reproduce:
  1. Click on reaction of user lists below each post and close it.
  2. Re-open it and modal will load again from server.

Previously on 2.0.x it was loading locally if its opened already and page isn't reloaded.
I would wager this is working as intended. Developers (us and XF) could always turn off overlay caching for specific overlays, if the overlay contained time-sensitive data or if you always needed fresh data from the server.

For something as volatile as reactions, I would say that satisfies the "always needed fresh data from the server" criteria.

Of course this could be an oversight, but until Chris' caffeine kicks in this morning I thought I'd chime in with a plausible explanation :)

This was an intentional change, mostly to ensure that you received a consistent view when re-opening the link, given that it now supports multiple tabs to filter.
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