Re-directs & the big G


Well-known member
Hey :)

So, I have 2 re-directs (in htaccess) on my site. One changes all URL's, so that "www." is placed in front and the other re-direct forwards from the root to

In Webmaster tools, Google tells me that they HATE this and I should go and stand in the corner, whilst whipping myself with a large spiky reptile.
  • What impact does it really have on page speed and SEO?
  • How can I get rid of the re-directs without killing my SERPS and having my whole site re-indexed?
Cheers for your thoughts.
They are picky about landing page redirects. It doesn't mean they don't like redirects at all. The only way to solve this is to move your forum to the root of your domain and redirect all links pointing to /xf back to /
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