Random White Page Errors?


Well-known member
Normally, when you click "Edit", and then "More Options..." it takes you to a page /post/####/save-line. For most posts on my forums, this works as intended without any issues. However with a few specific posts (and the only correlation I can find is that these are "large" posts) it instead sends me to a white page. Inspector errors in image...


As you can see... instead of heading to /css.php or /data/avatars/... or /styles/flexile/..., its treating all URLs as relative to /posts/229353/. It shouldn't be doing this. I assume the javascript errors are for the same reason. Is there a reason why this is happening while editing the large posts on my forums?

I have tried disabling ALL modifications on my forum and the issue persists. Also, if instead of clicking "Edit" and then "More Options...", which would bring me to /save-inline, I just right click open in new tab, it brings me to /edit, which works fine. This seems to be related to POST and how big the post is...

Also, I am using KnownHost, who recently had a DDoS attack which forced them to rebuild some of their router configurations.
Okay... narrowed it down more... looking in PAGE_CONTAINER template:
<xen:if is="{$requestPaths.fullBasePath}"><base href="{$requestPaths.fullBasePath}" /></xen:if>

For some reason, on pages with these errors, the fullBasePath is not getting resolved. Instead we get:
<base href="">
Okay, I've determined it to be an issue with the new version of Chrome 11. Issue still exists in Chrome 12... and its such an odd issue that I doubt it will ever be fixed.

I've manually edited:
<base href="{$requestPaths.fullBasePath}" />
and replaced it with href="/"... this appears to have fixed the problem. I originally tried putting in href="http://www.8wayrun.com", but chrome automatically stripped that. It seems to strip anything with the text "http://" in it.
A <base> related bug affecting a couple versions of different browsers has been recently reported here. Although it has to do with search engines, it appears the two issues may be related.
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