Quick Theme Switcher

Quick Theme Switcher 1.0.1

No permission to download
@ForumCube @zozon i made a few improvements to prevent breaking with other styles like ThemeHouse. Also i made some little changes for catching the fa-icon in the template, changed it to XF syntax to fit with solid, regular and light icons. Feel free to use it for updating this addon.
I am using ThemeHouse UI.X2 theme and have the same problem, missing "Switcher Icon" problem at top bar.

After making Template Modifications that you shared, my problem is also fixed. Many thanks @mcatze

Actually, Our team was in discussion with the ThemeHouse support to fix out the compatibility issues. Though, ThemeHouse didn't find any compatibility issues in the Theme Switcher add-on.
@ForumCube there is definetely compatibility issues with TH themes. TH makes lots of changes at Page_Container page, so your template modificaiton does not work.

If you wish, I can send "Page_Container" templates of TH UI.X 2 theme. So you can see why it does not yourself.

And also many thanks to you for sharing this great addon.
Hello. @ForumCube, I found that sentence in addon's planned features:
2. Give the ability of quick switching among multiple themes. Don't stick between two themes

Is this functionality still planned? And how it is supposed to work? Will there be an option that each skin has a separate switch between dark and light theme?
Sorry guys for the inconvanince. Lemme check with my technical team to identify the compatibility issues and make a fix for you.

I'll keep you posted when it would be done. Thanks,
Screenshot (50).webp

Any idea how to get rid of the indent on the left corner of the sun icon?

There should also be a dark line between the register and sun tab.

PS. I used a sun-cloud awesome font, I like it better.
If anyone want's to see this theme switcher in action you can see it at:

You can also see how the styling of the tab is inconsistent with the standard Xenforo theme.

The separation line is not there and the left rounded corner should be squared.

All that said, it is probably one of the slickest toggle switches for a dark/light skin.

PS: I used the sun/cloud font because the sun / moon combo looked odd to me. I liked the moon but the sun somehow looked like a gear to me which almost made it look like an settings tab. The sun/cloud awesome font just felt right to me.
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Installed no problem.


But, it's not working. Whenever I click on the moon icon, I get this:


Thanks! I really want this to work, as I've had forum member requests for it.
The word permission says it all

Check to make sure the permissions are set for each group.

Thanks for the reply. I've looked at the permissions. But, I don't see any permission for this particular feature listed. Is it under a specific category?
Check the permissions of the themes themselves and also remember to set the second theme option properly.


That should not be set to the default theme, make sure it points to the secondary theme.
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Check the permissions of the themes themselves and also remember to set the second them option properly.


That should not be set to the default theme, make sure it points to the secondary theme.

Did that already.
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