Awaiting feedback Quick Reply Editor Bug : Can not switch input method after quick reply


We have an editor bug boring a lot for us.

In Chrome browser , when you click 'reply' button in the the post to quote and reply ,

The quick reply editor can not switch the input method any more (please see the attachment files) ,

Because we are Chinese forum, it's very annoy for us.

The issue is for sure here for chrome browser , hundred users report same issues.

it's OK for Firefox browser , I don't know if IE has this problem.

Our xenforo version is 1.3.2 , I also see this bug in forum.

thanks a lot to fix this issue.

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Unfortunately, I suspect this is simply a browser bug. That said, it's not exactly something that's easy to test given that I have no knowledge of Chinese (at least from a writing/typing perspective).

If you flip to the non-rich text editor and back, is the problem still there? What if you do something such as inserting a quote or a media tag?
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