XF 2.0 Quick Nav Buttons


Active member
Can someone point me in the right direction to style these buttons please?


I want to change the background colour and add a border to them. After a very long time of searching for the answer I need help with this.

Thanks in Advance


You can adjust the background color in ACP > Style properties > Header & Navigation : first row change the header adjust color.
To put border use CSS code in extra.less template.
Sorry I meant the background colour of the buttons - User/Inbox Alerts and Search.
As i said replace this value fade(@xf-paletteNeutral3, 15%) of the Header adjustment color row with the color code you want, like #FF6600 for orange and the background color of User/Inbox/Alerts/Search buttons will change.
You can try to put this in your extra.less template :
.p-navgroup-link {
    border: 1px solid #FF6600 !important;

change the color code and border with as you want
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