XF 2.1 Query compatibility question


Active member
Hi guise, is this query (for xen 1) compatible with Last new xenforo 2?

Rich (BB code):
UPDATE xf_post
SET user_id = new_user_id, username = 'new username'
WHERE username = 'old username'
AND user_id = 0;

UPDATE xf_thread
SET user_id = new_user_id, username = 'new username'
WHERE username = 'old username'
AND user_id = 0;

I have many imported users as registered group, last days after a re-import of partial vbulletin nodes, inside these nodes you can see all the writers users as a guest, but in the reality they already exist in the forum as a registered user. So, in a present discussion you can see them like a registered and are clickable to them profile page, in these recent imported nodes you can see them names like a guest.
I need to unify those guest users with their real existing profile.
So i'm asking if this query is good for my purpose and if is it compatible with xen 2.

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