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New issue though when using thread prefixes, the title text input gets pushed down by the prefix making it two lines. Seems like it's almost more then just a css issue and more of a js calculating width issue...

Please help me fix!

Any word on reproducing this bug or fixing it?
What's the best way to update this?
Well, no images needed to be changed. So if you made a lot of changes to your Quark templates (which you should just make a child skin, so upgrading is quicker), you can compare templates. If you didn't make any (or many), just install the new .xml and hide or backup the old. Like I said, no images changed.
Hmm looks like I've made alot of changes including ones that seemed to have been changed by addons.

You mentioned creating a child skin to make upgrading easier? Can you explain this process in more detail?

Or maybe you can just tell me how you guys fixed the thread prefix issue, since that's the issue I want to most from this update. :)
Hmm looks like I've made alot of changes including ones that seemed to have been changed by addons.

You mentioned creating a child skin to make upgrading easier? Can you explain this process in more detail?

Or maybe you can just tell me how you guys fixed the thread prefix issue, since that's the issue I want to most from this update. :)

Still hoping for a response
Still hoping for a response
Hey there, I don't think I quite understand.

As for the child skin process, that is what I recommend to all. When you install Quark, or any theme, but you want to make changes (which is most likely everyone), create a child skin and hide quark from user selection. That way, when you make your changes (like font sizes, logo, color, etc) all that stuff stays when you upgrade Quark. You just upgrade and move your child theme over to the new upgraded version. Voila! 9/10 no work is needed other than that.
I know this sounds stupid but how do I dl the updated version?

I've signed into your website and redownloaded the theme from the "customer>your order" section. Is the the updated version? The filename is the same as it was when I first downloaded it so I can't tell if it's the new version...
Also, I understand making the child skin now but does that mean I would delete quark afterwards including all it's files and reupload the new files and import it or just reimport the new one?
Also, I understand making the child skin now but does that mean I would delete quark afterwards including all it's files and reupload the new files and import it or just reimport the new one?
All you need for the last update is just the .xml, if you updated before that. If you haven't updated in a while, best to do a fresh install. That number you see is our file name and product ID, not the version number, and yes that is confusing so we'll be removing that from our customer area, sorry about that.
Ok I did want you said.

- I created a new theme using the previous quark as my parent (I'm assuming that's how you make a child theme).
- Imported the new xml
- set my child theme to the new quark

Most of it seems like it's working but I noticed my style changes didn't get moved over. When I go under my old quark I see alot of files under "customized style componenets" where all my changes are but those don't exist in my child theme. How do I move all these over?
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