XF 2.1 Problems on Admin Panel


Active member
I'm having trouble with the control panel.

A few days ago I tried to update a plugin and I got an error that indicates:

Now, I wanted to delete a user subscription and the same error appears, making it impossible to delete this.
I don't see any error in the log and it doesn't happen if I try to delete another user subscription.

How can I fix this?
I also need to update the plugin and I can't do it.

I tried to deactivate the plugins from config.php file in case it was some kind of problem related to them, but it still can't be solved.

Captura de pantalla 2019-08-27 a las 22.00.29.png

Captura de pantalla 2019-08-27 a las 22.04.01.png

I can't edit this subscription either, the same error appears.

With all the others I don't have any kind of problem
Hi there,

I am also getting this error.

In my case I am trying to add new Adsense code to the Advertising section. When I click save I get 'Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console.'

The final part of the 3rd error shown in the consol is:


Hope someone can help...

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