XF 1.4 Problems logging in on certain browsers

Shelley Hitz

New member
I have my xenforo forum integrated with Amember login.

However on certain browsers, members are having difficulty logging in. What has seemed to work most of the time (not all) is to restart their computer and clear cookies/cache.

Any ideas of why this might be happening and what I can do to prevent it? It is causing support requests as members are having difficulty logging in.
It seems to be a www vs non www URL issue.

I've seen a lot of threads on here about this issue but am not sure what solution might solve my problem. I did check all my settings and they are set to the www. URL

This is what Amember told me. Any thoughts on what might work best with Xenforo so there is not this cookie issue?


The problem seems to be in cookie domain name which is used by xenforo.
Xenforo set cookie for exact domain name. So for example when user login fromhttp://www.shelleyhitz.com/access/community/
cookie will be set to www.shelleyhitz.com
If user login through http://shelleyhitz.com/access/community/
cookie will be set to shelleyhitz.com
if user login through shelleyhitz.com and then somehow will go to www.shelleyhitz.comhe will not be logged in.
Xenforo will create two different cookies in this case. Please have a look at the bottom of attached screenshot. As You can see there are two different session in xenforo. And User is logged in one and not logged in another.

So in order to fix this issue. Check all links across the site and make sure that you always use the same domain in all links.
Also check all scripts URLS(wordpress, amember, xenforo).
You also can setup redirect rule to be sure that user is always use the same domain.
I can't use the rewrite rule on my main domain shelleyhitz.com as I have subdomain installations and it will redirect them to a 404 page.

So, will this work in a folder in a subdomain?

I created a htaccess file within shelleyhitz.com/access/community folder and wrote it like this:

RewriteEngine On
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^shelleyhitz.com/access/community
#RewriteRule (.*) http://www.shelleyhitz.com/access/community/$1 [R=301,L]

I'm still getting an error when I try to login. Not sure if it's because I have cookies from before?

Will the rewrite code solve the cookie issue?
How would I do that? Thanks!
RewriteBase /access/community
in it, if your forum is located in /access/community off of your root directory.
Or at least I am pretty sure that's the correct one - I haven't used Apache rewrites in a while (I've been on nginx for the last several years).
RewriteBase /access/community
in it, if your forum is located in /access/community off of your root directory.
Or at least I am pretty sure that's the correct one - I haven't used Apache rewrites in a while (I've been on nginx for the last several years).
Okay, thanks! If anyone knows for sure, let me know. I definitely am not an expert in this kind of code!!
Okay, thanks! If anyone knows for sure, let me know. I definitely am not an expert in this kind of code!!
In the sample .htaccess.txt it has this above the ReWriteBase
       #       If you are having problems with the rewrite rules, remove the "#" from the
       #       line that begins "RewriteBase" below. You will also have to change the path
       #       of the rewrite to reflect the path to your XenForo installation.
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