You know, it'd be really helpful to give a bit of an insight on how to reproduce the issue and what exactly we're meant to be looking for. Goes a loooong way, trust me
You know, it'd be really helpful to give a bit of an insight on how to reproduce the issue and what exactly we're meant to be looking for. Goes a loooong way, trust me
You know, it'd be really helpful to give a bit of an insight on how to reproduce the issue and what exactly we're meant to be looking for. Goes a loooong way, trust me
Looking at your screenshot it looks like the problem is somehow related to quoting someone else's post and it's left the "Write something here..." text in place. However I cannot reproduce this on Windows 7 using Chrome and I've tried several times now. You'll therefore have to give some more detail on how you get this to happen, whether or not it always happens etc.
Looking at your screenshot it looks like the problem is somehow related to quoting someone else's post and it's left the "Write something here..." text in place. However I cannot reproduce this on Windows 7 using Chrome and I've tried several times now. You'll therefore have to give some more detail on how you get this to happen, whether or not it always happens etc.
Does it happen every single time?
Is it still happening now?
Do you do anything after clicking reply, or is it like that immediately?
Does the error continue if you click in the editor?
Does the error continue if you type in the editor?
What version of Chrome?