XF 1.2 Problem with registration Email


Active member
Zend_Mail_Transport_Exception: Unable to send mail. - library/Zend/Mail/Transport/Sendmail.php:137
Generated By: Unknown Account, Yesterday at 2:08 AM

Any idea why might that be?
Just have my email and the predetermined protocol.
Make sure your username for the email account is correct (usually username@mailserver.xxx)
Make sure that the SMTP server is correct (usually smtp.domain.com)
Make sure that the port you are using is correct.
Make sure that SSL/TLS selection is correct for your SMTP server.
Are you using a shared hosting SMTP server (for your domain) or are you using gmails hosted apps smtp?
I´m going to do just that. Thanks for the tips.

Might it be that there were too many mails sent? I have about 100 not sent mails, and it was working ok before. We had a promotion running yesterday.
I´m going to do just that. Thanks for the tips.

Might it be that there were too many mails sent? I have about 100 not sent mails, and it was working ok before. We had a promotion running yesterday.
Very likely could be. A lot of the low budget hosts limit email deliveries from what I have seen.
Thank you for the information.

Now I have a lot of users not validated. Would it be a good solution to validate them? I can find them through the users search but don’t know if there is a simple way to validate them in bulk.
Thank you for the information.

Now I have a lot of users not validated. Would it be a good solution to validate them? I can find them through the users search but don’t know if there is a simple way to validate them in bulk.
If you want them to validate, then they should be able to have their email validation resent to them if I remember correctly. I can't remember if that is an add-on or core to tell you the truth. You can contact BlueHost and ask them to up the limits (I think they will go up to 750), and explain to them you run a forum and use email for validation.
I’ll look for the resending of the email or validate them manually. I will also ask Bluehost for the email upgrade.

You both have been very helpful, much appreciated.
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