MG 2.0 Problem upgrading gallery


Well-known member
I have updated a site to Xenforo 2.0.10 today and then tried to update the gallery.

After uploading the gallery files and clicking upgrade the process starts but then goes to a Oops we ran in to some problems page. When re-entering the admin panel I get the following error at the top of the page.
Clicking on Continue running them goes back to the Oops error page. When I use the View addons page this is the error
Running the upgrade again just goes back to the Oops error page.

There are 2 other addons I need to update listed, when I try updating those it just goes back to the Oops error page.

I'm not sure if this is a problem with the gallery or one of the other addons, I tried updating the gallery addon first so posted here first.

Also disabled all other addons and re-uploaded the files but still get the same errors.
There would usually be more info on the "Oops" error page. If there isn't, is there anything in the XF Server error log? If not, can you enable debug mode in Admin CP temporarily and try again to see if more information is reported?
The "Oops" error page just says The requested page could not be found.

Nothing showing in the Server error logs. Turned on debug mode and got more errors as per screenshot


Given the error I assume it's an issue with Xon's Content Ratings addon which is one of the others I'm trying to update.
That’s on the front end though.

Are you saying you are redirected there after clicking “Upgrade”?

You mentioned that the Upgrade process starts and you get an Oops error.

That’s certainly unusual.

In the Admin CP if you go to Tools > Rebuild caches and run a job (Rebuild forum information is probably the smallest job) does that do the same thing?
Apologies for late reply, had to take a break for a while.

Tried to run the rebuild caches but get the same error, The requested page cannot be found.

Also re-ran the upgrade with debug on and get the following errors.


Would it be easier to open a ticket with cPanel login details?
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