XF 1.5 Problem to use URL rewriting & error on pages when this is enabled

Hello, I have a problem with the rewrite of url, before posting this message I contacted my hebrgeur who confirmed to me that the rewriting of the url was possible in them (1 & 1) so I put xenforo for a long time, but during the Configuration of the rewrite it causes me various worries: http://prntscr.com/eb457j ceu is not the only page that makes a mistake, my hebrewer my good to confirm that it came from the css, that did not ffare are working with the Htaccess can you tell me how to solve this error because i would like to hide the index.php has all taken

Sorry for the fault I am of French origin.
Unfortunately, I'm struggling to understand some of what you're saying.

How did you end up at the URL in your screenshot? I haven't noticed any obvious problems browsing around your site.
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