XF 2.1 Problem installing xenForo


I have tried to install xenForo four times and every time the installation stops at the following:
Importing... Master data (Phrases: 15.3%)
If anyone could direct me on what to do, or how to proceed I would be very grateful.

Best Regards,
What do you mean by "stops"? It may take up to 1 minute to install XF.
Hello @CMTV

Upon further testing, I received the following results.

Using deploys.io MySQL database:
  • Tried to install four times
  • Took five hours to get to 15.3%
  • Froze (stopped) at 15.3%

Using a localhost MySQL database:
  • Tried to install once
  • Fully installed in two minutes
  • No freezes or stops

I believe it is my host. They claim to be good but that seems not to be the case. I apologise and am very grateful for your reply.

Best Regards,
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