XF 1.5 Problem after import


Well-known member
My signature has not been imported, also there's no link to edit my signature. Other accounts are ok. What could be causing this?


  • Schermafbeelding 2015-09-19 om 12.13.07.webp
    Schermafbeelding 2015-09-19 om 12.13.07.webp
    13.9 KB · Views: 7
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That would be hidden by the lack of having the editSignature permission on your account, or under the Signature permissions group, having maxLines set to 0.

Use the Permissions Analyzer tool in the Admin CP to ascertain where the permissions are being applied.
Yes that's it. The XF permission system is sometimes confusing having used vb for years. Especially the fact that Administrators do not get all permissions by default. But thank you.
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