Cannot reproduce Private messages images IDOR


Well-known member
Affected version
We performed a security audit and the following issue was discovered:

Log in and start a conversation with someone. Attach a picture to the message and you will be taken to the attachment management page.
In my case, /forum/attachments/upload?type=conversation_message&context[conversation_idapter=99999&hash=22c9fb5fdee39334b4459110036e72fb
You will have another hash in the link.

Now open the downloaded image in a new tab.
In my case /forum/attachments/file-png.4444/?hash=22c9fb5fdee39334b4459110036e72fb

Now just change the number after the dot in the link to view other images that you should not see.

I initially deleted this as if this was a genuine security issue then it would need to be disclosed in private.

However, after some testing, I do not believe the report to be correct.

The hash value is only required and impacts the actual attachment that hash belongs to. The attachment hash will belong to any attachment that is uploaded to the content that you are currently creating. All attachments with that hash will then be associated to the content once the content has been created.

When the attachment is not associated to any content, the hash is required to view it.

When the attachment is associated with content, you are only permitted to view the attachment if you actually have permission to view that content.

Because I'm an admin here I was able to track down a conversation message attachment that actually exists.

The URL to it is this:

If what you are saying is accurate then we'd be able to stick a valid attachment temporary hash to that URL and make it work:

But it doesn't.

I can try different attachment IDs, such as this one:

And it will work (with or without the hash) but that's because it belongs to this content which we all should be able to view, anyway because we have permission to view it:

If there is more to this please feel free to submit a ticket or start a conversation with us.

If you are reproducing different results on your forum then it would be best to discount any add-ons causing issues there.
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