XF 2.2 primary usergroup - secondary usergroups & promotion - I'm lost!


Hi guys,
I'm completely lost right now about the usergroups and their promotion. In my forum, some users are in the primary user group "registerd" and some in the primary usergroup in which they actually belong, please take a look:



Why are some in registerd Usergroup, and some are not. And why dont't they get promoted properly!?

Thank you for help!
Yes everyone registered group as primary.

before the batch update for that it may be worth assigning the current primary to secondary do they still get those permissions

For testing purposes, I set my primary user group "Administrator" to "Registered" and the secondary user groups to "Moderator", "Supermaoderator" and "Admin". So far everything works, only that I now have a forum (called "Internes Forum" ) wich I can't see and access anymore.


The Usergroups with the green Text is right. But why me, the Administrator, can't see the "Internes Forum" now?

Ok, I think I got it: Even the Admininstrator has to be in at least one secondary Usergroup that can see/access the "Internes Forum", so: Registered User can't see "Internes Forum" so the Administrator can't
Make it a private node and then specifically go into node permissions and you need to give permissions for whoever to be able to view that node. I'm assuming since you didn't have registered set for primary usergroup that there will be more permissions that are screwed up.
I'm assuming since you didn't have registered set for primary usergroup that there will be more permissions that are screwed up.
Yes, the next thing I want to do is set all user to primary "Registered"

I migrated from vbulletin, maybe that all happends because of that ....
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