Prevent duplicate alerts for profile post comments

Chris D

XenForo developer
Staff member
I just went away from my PC for less than an hour, and in that time, 9 alerts were generated. Most of them were related to new comments made on a profile post I had previously commented on.

I know there's no concept of marking profile posts and comments as "read" at the moment and it's probably a bit trickier to do it due to the presentation of the content and maybe overkill, but if some solution could be put in place to prevent all these duplicate alerts it would be better than being flooded like we are now.

One possible solution is a simple check before the alert is generated:

SELECT view_date
FROM xf_user_alert
WHERE alerted_user_id = ?
    AND content_type = 'profile_post'
    AND action = 'comment_other_commenter'
    AND content_id = ?
ORDER BY event_date DESC

If view_date = 0, do not alert. If view_date > 0 or false, send alert.

Finally, the alert phrase should have "There may be more comments after this." to be consistent with posts.
Upvote 33
I posted a thread for the same thing back in June (here), but this one has more likes. I really would love to see this annoying functionality removed!
1.5 is already in beta thus only receiving bug fixes, it is feature locked. No new features are going to be added beyond what you see in the HYS forum.
1.5 is already in beta thus only receiving bug fixes, it is feature locked. No new features are going to be added beyond what you see in the HYS forum.

Maybe it could be considered an improvement, rather than a new feature. Then it could still be added during beta, like the ability to post status updates in the sidebar was added during the 1.4 beta.

Think positive, man!! :D
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