XF 2.2 Prefix - hide or move to the end of the title for RSS

Sado Yasashii

Active member
Hi everyone.

Please, tell me. How can I hide prefix in rss? I want to use prefix, but I don't want rss to display them. How can I hide them? I need to remove the mention of the prefix in the headers. It spoils the whole publication...

For example, I have the "Witcher 3" prefix and I need to hide it from RSS. The code of the page outputs it like this:
<li><a href="/forums/tw3wh-quests/?prefix_id=9" class="labelLink" rel="nofollow" data-xf-init="tooltip" title="Witcher 3"><span class="prefix--tw3" dir="auto">Witcher 3</span></a><span class="label-append">&nbsp;</span></li>

Placing the prefix before the title is a bad idea. It would look perfect at the end of the title. If hiding it is problematic, how do you move it to the end of the title?
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The issue is resolved. It is solved through the file FeedExport.php. For a competent solution, change the desired fields for the location of the prefix and pack in the plugin.
Screen Shot 01-18-23 at 09.32 AM 001.webp

The plugin helped with the solution:
The issue is resolved. It is solved through the file FeedExport.php. For a competent solution, change the desired fields for the location of the prefix and pack in the plugin.
Screen Shot 01-18-23 at 09.32 AM 001.webp

The plugin helped with the solution:
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