Lack of interest Pre-installation steps support

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Well-known member
The main case I have here is license validation, but I'm sure it comes handy in other cases too.

Callbacks seem to scare people. To be fair, callbacks in XF1 were a nightmare anyway. That Zend_Http_Client was awful. There are some cases I'd like to use some though. Something I never did in XF1 (because it was too awkward to do it) was license validation as a use case. Eventually, I planned to link the add-ons to the remote version after validation and be able to send news of add-on updates to the forum and some other features like that.

Could you implement some better steps for cases like this? Perhaps a hook before installation, to prompt the user to answer questions/enter data before the installation can begin? The add-on should be able to stop the installation from continuing.

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