Well-known member
I will pay for an extra Privacy settings option that lets members posts be hidden from guests or members you don't follow. This privacy setting would hide their entire posts, avatar, username, message etc from both the thread forum listing, thread display, thread and recent activity. Not only would it hide their post, it would also hide the quoted post as well. For example, this is done with Premium Member's BB Codes
Addons that are sort've similar that I've requested in the past are:
Member card View Permissions
Hide Prefixes From Usergroups.
In Privacy Setting should be an option:
View threads you create:
- All Visitors
- Members Only
- People You Follow Only
View your posts in threads:
- All Visitors
- Members Only
- People You Follow Only
Upon thread creation, a checkbox should be automatically checked on whether that thread should be hidden or not according to what they chose in their privacy settings. By unchecking the box upon thread creation it will not follow these view permissions (aka it will follow All Visitors).
If the user makes their thread private, their entire thread should be hidden according to their permissions.
If the user makes their post private, it should be hidden according to their privacy setting.
Their posts should also include a check box for their privacy setting during quick reply or reply page.
This addon not only increases privacy but also negates the need for a social groups addon.
Addons that are sort've similar that I've requested in the past are:
Member card View Permissions
Hide Prefixes From Usergroups.
In Privacy Setting should be an option:
View threads you create:
- All Visitors
- Members Only
- People You Follow Only
View your posts in threads:
- All Visitors
- Members Only
- People You Follow Only
Upon thread creation, a checkbox should be automatically checked on whether that thread should be hidden or not according to what they chose in their privacy settings. By unchecking the box upon thread creation it will not follow these view permissions (aka it will follow All Visitors).
If the user makes their thread private, their entire thread should be hidden according to their permissions.
If the user makes their post private, it should be hidden according to their privacy setting.
Their posts should also include a check box for their privacy setting during quick reply or reply page.
This addon not only increases privacy but also negates the need for a social groups addon.