Postbit information on two lines?


Well-known member
I have enabled users' message count to appear in the post bit, but it appears on two lines, as such:

Message count:

Whereas I'd like it to appear as:
Message count: 6

There is plenty of space to the right of "message count:" so I'm not sure what's causing it to jump to the next line. Any ideas?
I found the code:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> message_user_info

                <xen:if is="@messageShowMessageCount">
                    <dl class="pairsInline">
                        <dt>{xen:phrase message_count}:</dt>
                        <dd><a href="{xen:link search/member, '', 'user_id={$user.user_id}'}" class="concealed">{xen:number $user.message_count}</a></dd>

But I am having trouble getting it to stay on one line.
There is plenty of space to the right of "message count:" so I'm not sure what's causing it to jump to the next line. Any ideas?

In message_user_info

                <xen:if is="@messageShowMessageCount">
                    <dl class="pairsInline">
                        <dt>{xen:phrase message_count}:</dt>
                        <dd><a href="{xen:link search/member, '', 'user_id={$user.user_id}'}" class="concealed">{xen:number $user.message_count}</a></dd>

replace with

                <xen:if is="@messageShowMessageCount">
                    <dl class="pairsInline">
                        <dt>{xen:phrase message_count}: <a href="{xen:link search/member, '', 'user_id={$user.user_id}'}" class="concealed">{xen:number $user.message_count}</a></dt>
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