Post tabs?




I think this could be quite helpful.
I doubt it would be easy to accomplish for Xenforo.
I was actually building something like that a while back using works outside of you would implement it is up to you....

This is the standalone which is literally taken from the docs available at
Would something like that work for you? If it does I may be able to make something that is easy enough to implement and would only require you to have BBCM installed, customize a few templates, and upload a file or two (besides any imagery you may or may not want to use).

Let me know and I will see what I can do..otherwise this has been off of my list for a while and I probably won't be doing much with it.
Gimme till tomorrow to work it in to XF....if I don't reply here by have my permission to blow up my private conversation with msgs to mitigate the effects of my horrible memory. :-)
Ok so I have it working as a bbcode or I should say multiple bbcodes as for now this is the only way I know how to do it. I get the bbcode appearing normal on my help-bbcode page but it has a slight undesired effect on forum posts in regards to the placement of the tabs I think i just need to adjust one of the classes...once I sort it out I will post instructions but I will tell you it is not as simple as importing a bbcode as it needs some template work and a file upload.
this is what it looks like so far in the help - bbcode page
Sorry I was finishing up some other addons and starting some other few..lemme dig this out of the bin and I will post it up somewhere soon once I make a quick addon out of it which it wasn't at the time of the above post as I just learned how to make an addon a very short time ago (thank you using template hooks video). Above was all template edits and an import-able bbcode.
Just kidding how funny would that be :)

I already had it done but I lost it in 40 something tb's worth of disk space. I forgot yet again about

I will redo and get it done within 24 hours I suppose maybe less. Check back here ...I will post a link in this thread to the addon. (to make the edits into an addon is nothing is quite simple once you know what to look for.)
Ok sorted it out...just working out some styling. Will be a couple of hours. Just wanted to keep those that were asking about it up to speed with my progress on rebuilding this little thing which I guess I completely lost (probably put it in a folder I clear once a day). I am going to eat some lunch and then we should ready to go with this. Thanks for your patience.
Just kidding how funny would that be :)

I already had it done but I lost it in 40 something tb's worth of disk space.

You have 40tb's disk space? what the hell could you need all that space for? Do you have the entire Blu-Ray collection downloaded?
Yup. Memory loss mitigation. Nope :-)

I do have every movie I own on hard disk though.

On another note I need someone who users a browser other than FF5 to test out and screenshot how it looks for me.
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