Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

My members keep asking why it's not possible to click on the number of ratings and see what posting they come from. Some of them have got a negative rating or two, but finds no way of knowing what post resulted in such a rating (other than going through each and every post manually, but that's hardly an option).
Coming soon:
  • Support for other content types (member profile messages, PMs, etc.)

Any approximate timeframe? Looking to buy the add-on soon but would like to know if this is a planned feature for the next 1.X.x point release. (not affecting my purchase decision)
I have witnessed several times now on several websites that use this addon that people tend to abuse negative ratings when users fight with each other or have a heated argument. I don't think the purpose of this addon is to provide users with a convenient "hate tool". Also it looks very stange to me that respected staff members show off their negative ratings under their avatar via a red bar. It kind of has a 'decrease respect' effect if you know what I mean.

Then I had an idea. Why not make all ratings into something positive? In the wrestling business, no matter if you are booed or cheered, as long as you get a reaction from the crowd, you win. You lose if you don't get a reaction at all (On a somehow related note, imo the best way to shut trolls up (when no moderators are online) is to ignore them. Hating them with negative ratings just fuels them).
Ratings don't necessarily have to have a signal colour. Screw green for good, grey for neutral and red for bad. If your post is so significant that others feel they need to rate your post, no matter if good or bad, you win.

I believe this would prevent users from using this addon as a tool to smack somebody in the face. Afterall, who would reward the enemy in a fight?

This is by no means a request or a suggestion as you already can do that with some tweaks. Just food for thought. I'm interested to hear others opinions about this.
I just purchased this a few minutes ago and installed it but the post ratings arent displaying anywhere. I'm using the default style too (customized with the color picker).
I just purchased this a few minutes ago and installed it but the post ratings arent displaying anywhere. I'm using the default style too (customized with the color picker).
Did you follow the installation instructions?
  1. (If you wish to use automatic template edits) Install Template Modification System (upload files and install addon from server 'library/TMS/addon-TMS.xml')
  2. Upload contents of upload folder to forum root
  3. Install addon-PostRating.xml file
  4. (If you wish to use manual template edits) Follow these instructions
  5. Configure the permissions (see bottom of category 'Forum Permissions') for your user groups.
Not sure if I have done something wrong, but since the XF 1.1.4 update, the line below a post with the icons is duplicated. I see now 2 lines with the same icons.

Any ideas ?
The "message_below" hook was added in the 1.1.4 update, so you need to disable the TMS modification for the ad_message_below template, or revert your ad_message_below template if you made a manual edit.
Just updated to 1.1.4

The post ratings aren't displaying unless you hover over the post.

I don't mean the icons to cast your rating, that is normal behaviour. They appear when you hover and you can click one to rate.

I mean when someone has left a rating on a post. You have to hover over the post to see who has rated what. I'm fairly certain this use to appear all the time, like it does with the default like system.

Anyone else notice this?
Yes mate. Was just going to ask about it over on Arty's forum. Have you noticed it then?

EDIT: The Input bar minimum opacity setting doesn't seem to have any effect now.

.message .primaryContent > .dark_postrating {
    opacity: 0.75 !important;

Obviously adjust the opacity as needed or wanted.
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