Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]


I have an error with the daily stats.

Fatal error: Class 'Dark_PostRating_StatsHandler' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\library\XenForo\Model\Stats.php on line 162 (The error is same online)

And when i go line 162 :

$this->_statsHandlerCache[$statsHandlerName] = new $statsHandlerName;

Anyone have a solution ?
Luke, two months ago I suggested this:

Luke, I have a suggestion. Currently you can use one rating as a replacement for xenforo's default likes, right? It would be cool if we can use more than one rating as a replacement of likes. Because on my board I won't allow negative and neutral ratings. All ratings should equal one like. For example if someone is rated 5x informative and 5x funny this would mean he got 10 xenforo likes, and so on. The advantage of this is that those likes will survive a future xenforo update. What do you think?

Can I have a reply please?
Hmm. Anyone else seeing the rating bar twice after upgrading to 1.1.4?

Checked the templates, but no manual templates left. Only the add-ons TMS changes.
Hmm. Anyone else seeing the rating bar twice after upgrading to 1.1.4?

Checked the templates, but no manual templates left. Only the add-ons TMS changes.

For now you need to disable the message_below TMS edit

In the next update I will likely remove this edit to avoid breaking other addons, so 1.1.2/3 compatibility will only be available through manually adding it.

Okey thank you.

But i have desinstall all my addon and delete XenForo file and replace with original file of XenForo (Not the data folder) and i still have this problem

There is a minor oversight in the uninstall script, run these mysql queries:

delete from xf_content_type where content_type = 'postrating';
delete from xf_content_type_field where content_type = 'postrating';
delete from xf_stats_daily where stats_type = 'postrating';

Luke, two months ago I suggested this:

Can I have a reply please?

It wouldn't be too difficult to convert any ratings into likes if you wanted, but this would be best suited to a destructive uninstall rather than something for normal operation - due to the way likes are intertwined with ratings in their current form it would take considerable effort to have it realtime.
For now you need to disable the message_below TMS edit
There is a minor oversight in the uninstall script, run these mysql queries:
delete from xf_content_type where content_type = 'postrating';
delete from xf_content_type_field where content_type = 'postrating';
delete from xf_stats_daily where stats_type = 'postrating';

I still have the error.

Fatal error: Class 'Dark_PostRating_StatsHandler' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\library\XenForo\Model\Stats.php on line 162
I upgraded to the latest Xenforo, updated/rebuilt all the caches and the post ratings are displaying twice on every post (right above each other). How do i fix this?
This fix does not seems to work if have multiple styles installed as children. It works for some but not others - in some cases the the likes do not appear at all. I tried rebuilding the templates but still problems. :(

NVM - it seems that I just needed to also upgrade the skins to 1.14 compatibility as well. Sorry :)
I bought this wonderful add-on some days ago and i'm testing it on my local installation. By the way i think this should be a full core feature!

I possible in future releases to make possible for a user to add more than one rating for a single post ? For example, i can rate a post with an I AGREE but also with an INFORMATIVE.
For now you need to disable the message_below TMS edit

In the next update I will likely remove this edit to avoid breaking other addons, so 1.1.2/3 compatibility will only be available through manually adding it.
I removed the ad message_below and can't get it work now? The link show up but the images don't...
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