XF 1.3 Possible Page Editor


Active member
Hello Gang!

I was wondering if there is some kind of page editor I could use to create pages for my forum. A kind of wysiwyg editor but better than BBCode. I run a marine aquarium and conservation forum and I would like to make pages for featured aquariums and spotlight organizations. I would want to use photos and text that don’t look like a thread, something that allows text to flow around images to fill in blank areas like you would see in a news paper or magazine.

I was thinking maybe wordpress? Is there a way to use word press to create pages and then incorporate them into the forum? Maybe as links in the navigation bar? I would love it if I could have the pages appear as threads in a sub forum but I’m guessing that would be impossible?

I’m not sure if I’m explaining myself well or if it is even possible. Does anyone have any ideas?

It looked like it wouldnt work XF 1.3 but I tested it on my test forum anyway. It doesn't work... A little bummed, it looks like it has lots of tools.
It works for me on XenForo 1.3 & 1.4. It's a full html editor, so yes it has tools to code.
P.S: I only do support on the addon thread, not here.
Ok! I think I got it worked out. I installed CK editor but do you think it is better to use TinyMCE Quattro, what do you feel is best?
The XenForo pages are on the admin side. XenForo has a division between public templates and admin templates, which would force to "copy" many templates related to the TinyMCE Quattro editor from the public section to the admin one. This will become a nightmare to manage upgrades, so I will not do that. So for the admin section, use the stock editor or CK editor which is a great editor for html editing (especially if you use tables).

For the public side, you can enable the TinyMCE Quattro addon to some usergroups (your redactors) and let the stock editor to visitors if you prefer. Use it first and make your decision after.
That looks like it would be perfect. Does it work off of "pages" or rather would one of the WYSIWYG editors work with it?

thank you,
The "RM" edition management is done one the public side, which means even some of your members can create resources as they would create a thread. You can phrase this XenForo addon to make it looks like an article manager ; just change a few of its words. I think some members already did this here in English language.
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