Poll Images & Register When Voting


Well-known member
My site revolves around the Howard Stern radio show. One of the guys on the show, Ronnie does a "Hot Chick of the Week" thing on Twitter. Girls submit pics through Twitter, one is picked, & then he promoters her on his Twitter account as that week's HCOTM.

Anyway, the step between submission & picking one needs some help and we'd like to setup an easy way for people to vote. Sure I could setup a poll w/ the girls names & then post pics in the thread but I'd like something MORE & I thought I'd ask for some advice / help.

POLL PICS: If I used the built-in poll system, it would need to be modified. for one, it should allow BBCode so I can put their name, a photo, & a hyperlink to a post w/ additional info. Alternately it could use the attachment thumbnails. I've been trying using the bbcode helper but clearly have no idea what I'm doing.

POLL FORMAT: it might be nice to be able to pick a horizontal / vertical poll style. vertical is what we have now while horizontal would put the thumbnails next to each other w/ the radio buttons & text beneath each. Sure I could edit the templates but then all polls would change & not just the ones w/ pics. I feel I can handle this part (adding the choice when creating the poll & an if / else to toggle the 2 formats int he template) but w/o the pics it's useless.

QUICK REGISTRATION: If you aren't registered on the site you won't see the vote button. I'd like the vote buttons to be there even when you aren't logged in & when you submit your vote you get a login / register prompt. when you complete that, you vote gets submitted without having to go back after the fact.

but then again, maybe it would be easier to use an outside poll script & just integrate it into a thread.

so, anyone have any ideas? sound like something anyone wants to tackle (in part or in whole)
Mutt, I'm a big fan of Howard (and your site, of course) and this is something I've wanted for quite some time too.

A way to do a "hot or not" sort of setup. Or, "favorite" of the two sort of contest.

Hope we can get someone to step in and help with this one :)
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