Well-known member
After almost a week, I have working code to pull a forum id from a select that is used in a query to list threads for that forum.
The code works but is wild that I must wrap quotes around $forum_number at one part to get the query to run properly.
Do you have any suggestions?
The code works but is wild that I must wrap quotes around $forum_number at one part to get the query to run properly.
$forum_number = $instance['show_forum_number'];
$forum_number = " \"$forum_number\" ";
$select_thread_qry = '
SELECT thread_id, title, node_id, discussion_state FROM `xf_thread`
WHERE discussion_state = 1 AND node_id = ' . $forum_number . '
ORDER BY `thread_id` DESC
$select_threads = XenForo_Application::get( 'db' )->fetchAll( $select_thread_qry );
Do you have any suggestions?