Please add a developers portal


Well-known member is not very welcoming to developers IME because its not easy to show companies and developers why the XF ecosystem is interesting, popular and easy to develop for.
Please consider to add a developers portal which links to all resources interesting for developers. Especially new developers. XF2 has a widget system and its easy to create a widget page that shows everything needed:
  • Short motivational introduction.
  • Link to development docs.
  • Development docs search.
  • Link to resource standards.
  • Latest development tools in RM. (plus link to the category)
  • Link to your upcoming API's :D:D
  • Latest development tutorials. (plus link to the category)
  • Latest development requests. (plus link to the forum)
  • Latest addon requests. (plus link to the forum)
  • Post a development question.
Something like that would welcome new developers and get them up to speed.
Yep, I've found it odd for a while now that the developer docs and manual are relegated to tiny links in the footer making them difficult to find, rather than being featured in the main navigation.
Yeah, I google a lot of XF related resources and pages rather than looking for them through the site. Much easier to find that way - if you know to look for them. Otherwise they are very difficult to find for someone new or if just browsing.
So that's where they put them... I've resorted to google to find them for the last few weeks.
I keep it open in a tab (separator between all my XF2 tabs and various other forum platform tabs) in my dev browser, and when those tabs vanish because Chrome gonna Chrome, I rely on the browser history autocomplete :P

Yep, I've found it odd for a while now that the developer docs and manual are relegated to tiny links in the footer making them difficult to find, rather than being featured in the main navigation.

Forums create disjointed hard to find low density content.
Yep, I've found it odd for a while now that the developer docs and manual are relegated to tiny links in the footer making them difficult to find, rather than being featured in the main navigation.
I do feel the manual, at least, if not the dev docs, should be in the main navigation. It feels more important/relevant than the 'What's new' or 'Members' tabs. is not very welcoming to developers IME because its not easy to show companies and developers why the XF ecosystem is interesting, popular and easy to develop for.
I think this suggestion could be addressed with just a resource that links to all the main development resources.

The XF ecosystem, and forums in general, isn't big enough to pull new developers into it. I don't think the RM is lacking in resources - the most common add-ons already exist, and niche ones can be custom developed. Even if there were economic things for these developers to work on, there isn't much XF, or any forum software, can do to pull more developers into its ecosystem tbh. Hence, I don't think suggestions like these will have any impact on that point.
I think this suggestion could be addressed with just a resource that links to all the main development resources.
Resource descriptions are not fully accessible for guests or unlicensed members. So a company or developer checking out XF for the first time cannot review these.
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