XF 1.5 Placing an ad below content


Active member
I have a 728 x 90 ad set up in the ad_below_content template, but I want to insert another ad below this so there'd be two ads, one stacked above another. For some reason I'm having difficulty doing this. Is this slot for one ad only?
is it Google adsense or custom banners (image and link)

If it's adsense , maybe you need to make sure it is two different ads not the same one twice. Just guessing here.
No, it's DFP for Small Business. But thanks, again, for your help.

Are you using a custom style? Maybe that could be the problem. Or are you using any anti banner program? Because that prevents you from seeing the ads. If you can post the link to your forum here, we can have a look and maybe figure it out what is causing the ad to not appear.
It's weird. I have lots of ads that are appearing on this page using DFP; it's just ONE AD location that refuses to load. At all. And I've done everything exactly the same as all the other ads that are in place. That's why my initial post asks if only one ad was allowed in ad_below_content. I am using a custom style, but that hasn't caused a problem before. And no, I'm not using an anti-banner program, either.

I think I'm about to give up.
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