XF 2.2 Placeholder in signature field


Active member
Please help me to determine how to add placeholder text to the your account / signature field please. Thank you in advance.

Errr... are you actually wanting to place BS in every users signature field that doesn't have one?
Sorry... personally don't think it's a good idea. If your users want to use a signature... they can do so. Don't force a BS sig on them.
I'm one of those types that if a site did this, I'd probably create a sig line that they would not appreciate.
Errr... are you actually wanting to place BS in every users signature field that doesn't have one?
Sorry... personally don't think it's a good idea. If your users want to use a signature... they can do so. Don't force a BS sig on them.
I'm one of those types that if a site did this, I'd probably create a sig line that they would not appreciate.
Placeholder should disappear when the user types the first letter when updating their signature. Placeholders don't write to the database. As a technical forum, we want to suggest that the user include their software configuration within their signature.
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I don't believe there is any specific documentation related to it.

Review some of the templates which use it and that should give you an idea.
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