XF 2.2 Picture attachments lost in post


after upgrading to 2.2 the pictures of attachements are "lost" in the post.

Instead of the picture, I only see the "id" like:

New uploads after the 2.2 upgrade are working just fine. Also in the content area of the admin panel I see every uploaded pic
solved it.

the files from 2.1 where stored in /attachments - in 2.2 they are now in /internal_data/attachments
After moving the files on the server to /internal_data/attachments everything is working again
Just to clarify, nothing changed here between 2.1 and 2.2 The raw attachment files were always (by default) under internal_data/ with thumbnails under data/.

It is possible to change both of these paths via the src/config.php file. Is that something you may have had in 2.1?
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