PHPStorm - setup suggestions?


Well-known member
After months of using Notepad++ and falling in love with PyCharm, I decided to switch to PHPStorm for XenForo coding, but I'm not quite sure how to set it up. My addons have their own repo on github, and PHPStorm doesn't seem to recognize XF files quite well. I can also setup as one big glob of project, but it isn't really tidy.

How did you set up PHPStorm to work with XF?
What do you mean not work well?

Create new project from existing files, point it at your xf root. Done.
symlink :)

project directory includes only the addon files
xenforo files are included as external library
and something similar like modman to manage all the files which aren't located in the library/addon directory (style,js,bin or something in the root directory and it also includes composer support)
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What do you mean not work well?

Create new project from existing files, point it at your xf root. Done.
I need to link the project to git, and since I have separate repos for all my addons this is not doable.

symlink :)

project directory includes only the addon files
xenforo files are included as external library
and something similar like modman to manage all the files which aren't located in the library/addon directory (style,js,bin or something in the root directory and it also includes composer support)
Any Windows-friendly solutions? I develop mainly on Windows (so I can switch to games very easily, hee hee)
I need to link the project to git, and since I have separate repos for all my addons this is not doable.

Any Windows-friendly solutions? I develop mainly on Windows (so I can switch to games very easily, hee hee)[/quote]
Still symlink:) ( )

I need to link the project to git, and since I have separate repos for all my addons this is not doable

You COULD also have

xenforo/library/addon1 (git repo)
xenforo/library/addon2 (git repo)

because of the js and style files, you could createn an "links" directory inside the addon directory , put the files there and then link them to the xenforo upload directory (or you could also use the "deploy" feature in phpstorm ( )
or you could even use modman, or or or or...:D

In the past i had only 1 xenforo installation for all addons & clients, but it became too big....
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I've edited my post, maybe you can get familiar with the deploy tools

BUT there's NO PERFECT way, every developer has his own worflow:D (some prefer a gui, some prefer the terminal, some want to automate as much as possible...)

e.g. check @xfrocks tools and compare it with @Robbo 's tools (both available on github)
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