I am interested to know if anyone has put together a shell script to migrate from a phpbb3 to XF . I can probably write one. but figured I'd ask to save myself some work...
Current thoughts...
If anyone has already developed some of this, I'd be happy to test it.
I am interested to know if anyone has put together a shell script to migrate from a phpbb3 to XF . I can probably write one. but figured I'd ask to save myself some work...
Current thoughts...
# Put PHPBB3 avatars, files, attachemnts into proper XF dirs
mysql -u root -c "DROP DATABASE phpbb3_backup; \
DROP DATABASE xen_upgrade; \
CREATE DATABASE phpbb3_backup; \
CREATE DATABASE xen_upgrade; \
CREATE USER 'xenadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'SomeStrongPasssword'; \
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'xenadmin'@'localhost'; \
mysql -u root phpbb3_backup < somePhpBB3db.sql
mysql -u root xen_upgrade < XF1.5_clean.sql
cd /var/www/xen1
php cmd.php xf:import
# cp XF 2.x upgrade to webroot
# Or put them into git and checkout/switch
cd /var/www/xen1
php cmd.php xf:import
If anyone has already developed some of this, I'd be happy to test it.