phpbb --> vb --> xf, what will happen to google links?


Well-known member

so youve upgrade from phpbb to vb to xf.
what will happen to google links from the original phpbb forum address?

will it be dead and google will make the site penalized in rankings?
There is no way to easily map links when doing a double import.

I converted from phpBB myself a few weeks ago and just took the hit.

I have however put a general redirect on so any old links will redirect to the new forum home page.
care to provide more info brogan?


original phpbb url found on google:

my xf site exact same topic:

How to have a general redirect on the same ?
The general redirect will just redirect all links to the same page.
This is what I use as my old forum was installed at /forum and the new one at /community.

RewriteRule ^forum(.*) /community/? [R=301]

Without an import mapping table from phpBB to vB to XF, that's about all you can do.
I did consider doing one but in the end I couldn't be bothered.
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