Not a bug php error:

Nicky Vermeersch

Active member
Getting the following error:

[02-May-2013 18:11:39 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method XenForo_Model_UserConfirmation::cleanUpUserConfirmationRecords() in /home2/user11/public_html/board/library/XenForo/CronEntry/CleanUp.php on line 48

Using php version 5.2.17
If this is consistent, run the file health check in the admin CP. I suspect that the files are not all up to date.
After running a File Integrity Check, the following popped up:

File Health Check
Potential Problems

  1. library/Merc/DonationManager/FileSums.phpFile does not contain expected contents.
  2. library/Merc/DonationManager/Listener.phpFile does not contain expected contents.
The error however is of May 2nd, I only had it like 1-2 times prior to that date. Will keep an eye on it when it happens again :)
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