Well from the code example Disjunto cited, it looks like we can expect at the least a nice PHPDoc powered API manual. But I expect a lot more, from the Xf developers and third party developers as well once the Mod community is built. :)
Lack of documentation was always one of the few big weakness of vBulletin. When I asked for developer documentation, I was pointed (with a straight face) to the index-like API, or the very beginner-level PHP examples at, or even better, I was told to read the code and figure it out myself.

I am not saying I need a walkthrough of the code, but knowing what the basic functions expect, return, etc. beyond just a list of variables and parameters would be most helpful. I wasted 20 minutes one day figuring out that the variable I needed to reset was in the Datastore, and another 20 minutes figuring out how to force a rebuild of the Datastore. This is the kind of thing that should have been in a beginner vB coding tutorial.
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