Personal Conversations need Search and Labels


Well-known member
Two things I see as fairly critical for Personal Conversations-- Search and Labels/tags/folders.

Search-- we should be able to search Personal Conversations by title/content/sender/recipient etc.

Labels-- there should be some way to organise your Personal Conversations. Personally, I'd like to see a Gmail-esque Label system, but folders would work as well.
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Two things I see as fairly critical for Personal Conversations-- Search and Labels/tags/folders.

Search-- we should be able to search Personal Conversations by title/content/sender/recipient etc.

Labels-- there should be some way to organise your Personal Conversations. Personally, I'd like to see a Gmail-esque Label system, but folders would work as well.

Completely agree: I just spend half an hour trying to find back (manually) an important PC I had with someone... with Search it would have taken me 4 secs. Search is a no-brainer in this case. In fact, I would also label it as essential for a social product like Xenforo.
I would really like the ability to search conversations too. And at the moment the search box on the Conversations page is a little misleading, as it does not search in the conversations.

I was thinking the exact same thing a few days ago when i tried to find back a burried message somewhere deep in a 'conversation'. Obviously, K+M are aware of the fact that the Conversation system needs attention, so no need to re-mind them of it :). I just wanted to add this little idea:

- Maybe it's an useful idea to make the (grey coloured) phrase 'Search...' inside the searchfield context-sensitive, so when you are looking at your Conversation list, XF will recognize this and display 'Search conversations...' instead of only the 'Search...' which is used now always, regardless of what screen you are looking at. Changing it into 'Search conversation...' might make it more clear to the enduser that you are actually able to use the Search in different contexts.
I sometimes make the mistake of trying to search conversations and then ending up with a forum search. Its not very intuitive to have a search box in a content type that you can not search.
I would not call this a bug, but its not far from it either.
Did anything ever come of this? Seems to be a rather neglected area of the software (along with the profile!)...

Labelling and searching would be most useful.
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