Personal Conversations need Search and Labels


Well-known member
Two things I see as fairly critical for Personal Conversations-- Search and Labels/tags/folders.

Search-- we should be able to search Personal Conversations by title/content/sender/recipient etc.

Labels-- there should be some way to organise your Personal Conversations. Personally, I'd like to see a Gmail-esque Label system, but folders would work as well.
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It wouldn't hurt if in the future the Conversations system slowly turns into a more e-mail style system. Helping it become more of a home page for quite some people.
It wouldn't hurt if in the future the Conversations system slowly turns into a more e-mail style system. Helping it become more of a home page for quite some people.

You meant for the list of Conversations ? If so, yes I do agree :)
Someone brought up a discussion that I knew I had talked about before, but I could not remember where. I searched my forums and couldn't locate the thread. It nagged at me for a while, then I recalled it was in a forum conversation.

I would like to suggest that the Search option includes the user's conversations.
The search framework is in place.
It has already been stated that it will be expanded in the future, although nothing more than that has been said.
I'd like to add to the PC side of things.

You should be able to apply filters to your PC inbox, sort by sender, sort by time/date, exclude XYZ sender/recipient etc
I would really like the ability to search conversations too. And at the moment the search box on the Conversations page is a little misleading, as it does not search in the conversations.
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