XF 2.2 Paypal IPN calls failing since last week


Active member
My user upgrades through Paypal started failing, looks like starting last Wed.

Looking at Paypal IPN history, there are several payment showing as either "failed" or "retrying" and those users are not getting automatically upgraded on my forum.

I have confirmed with Paypal that IPN is indeed on. The notification URL hasn't changed (still https://mysite.com/forums/payment_callback.php?_xfProvider=paypal )

The payments are being made, but the IPN notice is just not reaching my site for some reason.

Any ideas?
MY XF license did expire 2 weeks ago and I haven't renewed yet, but I don't believe that affects my ability to use the user upgrade or payments feature.
You would need to contact PayPal to determine why the IPN callbacks are failing.
The good thing about Paypal is they do respond quickly to telephone support. Whether you strike lucky in getting someone who can actually help is a different matter. When something is too tech for the "agent" you then have to go through the developer support team which is via email and their messaging system so is never as immediate.

I had this issue a few years back and did get it sorted but I'm sorry I cannot remember where the problem was.

But (apart from turning it all on and off again), PayPal support is worth trying, there's nothing to lose.
^... that's the IPN link

Copy/double check accuracy of the URL...
Turn off the IPN...
Re-enter the URL and turn IPN back on

I do this occasionally when oddities occur. Might be a quick fix. If you have been getting error warnings, then turning off/on resets the error limit.
Thanks everyone.

Yes, I had tried turning IPN off and on, which didn't fix the issue. I also confirmed my notification URL in the IPN settings hadn't changed (see my 1st post) even though I had read a few times that XF doesn't care what that URL actually is (as Paul B mentioned).

I will try contacting Paypal support today during business hours. I tried last night, but they were closed.
I was never able to get Paypal support to answer the phone or return my calls. But my host seems to have fixed the issue by adding additional Paypal IP addresses to my whitelist. A few were already there, but Paypal has a list of 11 IP's they recommend whitelisting.

I am still not able to successfully resend old IPN's that previously failed, but at least new purchases are now working and upgrading the user's account.
Can I just turn off IPN at Paypal? Will the payment and upgrades still work?
It's driving me crazy that no matter what I do i'm getting server errors at my ACP and paypal IPN errors at paypal.
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