Well-known member
- Affected version
- 1.5.18
I had an issue in early April where this caused a problem. XF v1.5.18 in-use at the time.If there is a refund/chargeback, the upgrade is removed/cancelled immediately.
- User double purchased a 1 year recurring upgrade, Apr 3 and Apr 4 (unfortunately, /admin.php?user-upgrades/transaction-log doesn't show the new upgrade expiry date) via PayPal
- Several hours after the 2nd/double payment on Apr 4, the user cancelled the 2nd PayPal purchase/payment
- XF "Cancellation: Payment refunded/reversed, downgraded" the upgrade, and thus erroneously removed the entire upgrade.
User Upgrade, adds user to an Additional User Group (Premium Members):
I've added a manual user upgrade to resolve the issue for the user.