XF 2.1 Payment Profiles - Multiple Recurring User Upgrades / Plan ID with Braintree


Active member
Hi everyone,

I was curious if anyone here uses Braintree as a merchant account/payment processor, and has multiple types of user upgrades and how they deal with the "plan ID" function built into XenForo.

In the payment profile settings:


As you can see, it appears you can only use one "Plan ID" which is associated with your Braintree account's subscription plans...

I need to have a few different user upgrades/plans which is something that you can do through the Braintree control panel as seen here...:


...however it does not appear that there is a method to associate a user upgrade with a Braintree Plan ID.

Ideally, there would be a way to specify the Plan ID inside each individual user upgrade entry, seen here:


But that does not appear to be the case.

Does anyone have any experience with this and know a workaround or a method to get what I'm trying to do working?

Thanks a bunch!
FWIW that's part of the reason why we have "Title" and "Display title" fields.

You'll be able to have titles of:
Braintree (arkangel10)

But have the display title (what the users see) as simply:
Braintree Payments

Should help you keep things organised without loads of payment profiles all called "Braintree payments".
FWIW that's part of the reason why we have "Title" and "Display title" fields.

You'll be able to have titles of:
Braintree (arkangel10)

But have the display title (what the users see) as simply:
Braintree Payments

Should help you keep things organised without loads of payment profiles all called "Braintree payments".

Okay that makes sense, yeah I didn't even think about creating multiple profiles but gotcha, makes perfect sense. Thanks again!
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