Fixed Path too Long when extracting??


Well-known member
I get the following error when attempting to extract the 2.1RC1 zip files (Windows10 laptop) using the built-in/default windows program.

Solution: Use 7-zip to extract the files.

Error 0x80010135: Path too Long

Date Modified: 1/20/2019 3:12 PM
Size 7.69 KB
This is the new error I get when trying to upload the same file. I'm going to re-download the zip file and see if that corrects the issue.

I had none of these issues with previous beta versions.


Could not retrieve file information
Can't open file 'C:\Users\woody\Downloads\XF\RockCrawler\2.1\xenforo_2.1.0-Release-Candidate-1-(Unsupported)_FC809D239A_upgrade\upload\src\vendor\emojione\emojione\lib\swift\Emojione.playground\playground.xcworkspace\xcuserdata\rafaelks.xcuserdatad\UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate'.
System Error. Code: 3.
The system cannot find the path specified
I am still getting this identical error after a fresh download of the zip file.

Error 0x80010135: File path too long
This particular file doesn't seem to be crucial to us so we can likely exclude it, assuming that is the only one which is too long for Windows systems.

Theoretically this may cause problems on active Windows servers too depending on the path where the file is to be uploaded to.
Thank you for reporting this issue. It has now been resolved and we are aiming to include it in a future XF release (2.1.0 RC2).

Change log:
Remove and ignore some unnecessary library files from the EmojiOne package.
Any changes made as a result of this issue being resolved may not be rolled out here until later.
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