XF 1.5 Password not working on mobile?


Active member
I have a couple of forum users complaining that they cant access the website from mobile because of an incorrect password error. They enter their same password on their PCs and they get in no problem.

Any ideas what it could be?
XF does not differentiate between devices when signing in.

I still suspect it is a local issue, especially if it's only affecting a small number of users.
Nope, won't accept it. One forum user says she's never been able to login to our site using mobile. She's using the chrome browser on mobile.
Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't you recently moved to XenForo? If so, did the user have these problems before?

To be absolutely sure, get them to clear their history and saved passwords on both their desktop and mobile devices, then try logging in. This will ensure that any saved browser passwords have been removed from both devices.

BTW I see that both www and non-www versions of your site are available. You should use one or the other. See point 19 of the FAQ:

duplicate content issues on google
Can at times cause people to log out when clicking a link posted with/without www when they on the reverse of the link.

in yout htaccess

be sure to replace 'example.com' with your actual domain name. NOTE: do not place both selections of code in the file as it will cause an error.

If you want no www to rewrite to www
#Force www:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1 [L,R=301,NC]
If you want www to rewrite to no www
#Force non-www:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://example.com/$1 [L,R=301]
So rewrite is redirect right?? no-www to www ensures that forumites who type in the web address reach us regardless if they use the www or not... Am I right?
Rewrite engine on is the designator to enable the rewrite engine in Apache
It then allows you to rewrite from WWW to non-WWW and also old URL's to newer ones if converting from another package.
If the rewrite is in place and they use a WWW prefix, it will accept it but strip it and redirect them to the non-WWW site.
^ What they said.

I've basically got the first one that @Nudaii posted, so if I or anyone else tries to get to my site without the www then it will automatically take them to the www version.
I can't actually see the point in having www.

Can someone explain why you would want extra clutter in the URL?
Because in the BAD old days, you had FTP.whatever.com for FTP, SMTP.whatever.com for the SMTP server, POP.whatever.com for the POP3 server, and of course, the WWW prefix for the World Wide Web. Just different (and somewhat standardized layout of) protocol designators basically as the "subdomain" portion.
Now it's much "cleaner" to try to keep the URL shorter for appearances - but with search auto functions it's not as important as many say.
I just researched that Im getting more "backlinks" to the non www version. Im being told to select the non www version because of that and stick with it. Good advice?
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