XF 2.0 p-header-logo size?

At first, I thought it was due to being a background issue but it's just a single image so the screen is reducing it properly, can't replicate #2 on your site at all. Works fine, but you may need to address the mobile version.
At first, I thought it was due to being a background issue but it's just a single image so the screen is reducing it properly, can't replicate #2 on your site at all. Works fine, but you may need to address the mobile version.

oooch.. my mobile version is terrible.. @Russ do you have style that is dark/light that can fix my issues and have a nice banner across the top?
Well, all of our styles have an option to keep the logo in the default spot, so it doesn't go inside the navigation. This helps on larger logos like yours.

I'd still recommend looking into splitting your logo up though, one being the main car with the text itself, and the others use as a background image.

Core and Flat Awesome + come with light/dark combo's.
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