[OzzModz] SEO & Index Tools [Deleted]

I don't think anyone has ever answered this question but, ozzy47, is it possible, fairly easily, to provide this addon stripped of all compatibility with other add-ons? That it only works for XenForo? Is this possible and is it within the scope of the agreement you have with Nulumia?

It would be an almost happy way out of this rut for those who paid for their license at Nulumia.
I also bought the Seo at Ozzy47
But he can not help it. I use it as long as it does not make mistakes. If I uninstall now, I may have more problems with Google than before.
The next addon I buy only from @AndyB @Ozzy47 the run years through.
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I’ve been around for many years. My addon development goes back to the vB3 and vB4 days. I stand behind my work.

Unfortunately I can’t stand behind something I don’t own and don’t know the future of.
I had forgotten to mention you in the answer. I am a user and buyer in your forum :)
I spent lots over at Nulumia,s site as well over the last few years, That won't happen again.
The themes I have from there are now garbage.

Not taking over the thread Ozzy however this Dev has done this more than once and should not be allowed to sell anything here again.
I spent lots over at Nulumia,s site as well over the last few years, That won't happen again.
The themes I have from there are now garbage.

Not taking over the thread Ozzy however this Dev has done this more than once and should not be allowed to sell anything here again.
I agree with that. If he actually cared about his customers, he would just let Ozzy take over the add-on so he could fix it completely.
You may tell me more, please?
The depth means much more efficient, or just more other add-ons to care for?
What else we can do than set title and description (with a counter for chars) and orders for robots?
I don't think anyone has ever answered this question but, ozzy47, is it possible, fairly easily, to provide this addon stripped of all compatibility with other add-ons? That it only works for XenForo? Is this possible and is it within the scope of the agreement you have with Nulumia?
I absolutely agree with this, have been asking for something like that a lot.

No, I couldn’t just strip stuff out, it would have to be written from scratch.

Also I can’t release a similar addon due to contractual agreements.
And I totally respect that.

BUT I will say again it would be great if somebody could do a "core" focussed SEO addon which is quite minimal - just the basics is good given that such a huge part of SEO is about how we structure and curate the content anyway.

Jut the basic indexing stuff, e.g. :

I disabled this addon earlier but ran into problems when trying to create new nodes. I kept getting a "please enter a valid value" error message when saving the node.

Can someone please tell me if I safely delete this addon or will errors persist if it isn't installed/enabled?
I could yes, but make a backup before doing anything.
I've seen other sites have major issues after uninstalling this.
Thank you all for your comments and I have been following the thread for several months. I probably missed this answer from earlier, but as a user of this add-on should I just plan on removing this add-on because it is no longer being supported or because under it's current state it has a negative impact on SEO? I guess this is more a question of how quickly I need to change my implementation of the add-on. No longer being support is one thing, but adversely affecting my forum is another.

Again sorry if I missed this earlier.
Thank you all for your comments and I have been following the thread for several months. I probably missed this answer from earlier, but as a user of this add-on should I just plan on removing this add-on because it is no longer being supported or because under it's current state it has a negative impact on SEO? I guess this is more a question of how quickly I need to change my implementation of the add-on. No longer being support is one thing, but adversely affecting my forum is another.

Again sorry if I missed this earlier.
There shouldn't be a negative impact with using it currently, and there shouldn't be much (if any) impact removing it.

The current features added really do not impact SEO so much that you would see a major difference.
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