[OzzModz] Post Comments

[OzzModz] Post Comments 2.0.2 Patch Level 3

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Hi, awesome idea, although having a little problem, I'm unable to get it to work, I installed it, I have the following configuration, but when I click reply button on someone's thread, it doesn't change the way my comment looks, any help would be appreciated!

I would recommend NOT trying to disable reply; doubt it is something you could do with permissions anyway. You want people to be able to reply or comment. A comment keeps all the info right there, under the original post, while a reply will post as the last thing in that thread. There's value in both. Been using this for years with 20,000+ comments and members love it.
I would recommend NOT trying to disable reply; doubt it is something you could do with permissions anyway. You want people to be able to reply or comment. A comment keeps all the info right there, under the original post, while a reply will post as the last thing in that thread. There's value in both. Been using this for years with 20,000+ comments and members love it.
Yes, I realized it won't work as I thought
I would recommend NOT trying to disable reply; doubt it is something you could do with permissions anyway. You want people to be able to reply or comment. A comment keeps all the info right there, under the original post, while a reply will post as the last thing in that thread. There's value in both. Been using this for years with 20,000+ comments and members love it.
Why I thought about removing reply is because I'm afraid the user finds it confusing which to which and which does what
Is there a possibility you make it not scroll the screen up when the comment box gains focus? Same as default behaviour when adding a reply, because it gets annoying
if you click [Comment] ... it would.
I'm talking hover.

The goal was make it clear what [Comment] does and what [Reply] does.
I understand, I'm not meaning your hover suggestion, but was mentioning an issue with addon, right now when you click the comment button and it shows the comment input box, you can't right away type in it, you have to also manually press on the input box in order to begin typing
came here just to say this... Can't wait to get this fixed :)
I ended up ditching the plugin and revert to the normal forum quoting system

Because when this plugin breaks, literally your entire forum breaks, not reliable, and then when it's fixed, all your previous comments structure will not be restored and will remain as single threads
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