Resource icon

[oxy] Gamer 1.1b

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This works

<xen:if hascontent="true">
<xen:require css="oxy_gamer.css" />
<div class="ConsoleContainer">

<xen:if is="{$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.PSNf}} && {$xenOptions.PSN} == 1">
<a href="{$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.PSNf}}" target="_new" class="OXYgames psn"/>
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.oxyGamePop} == 1"><span><img src="{$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.PSNf}}.png" onerror="'none';"></span>

<xen:if is="{$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.XBOXf}} && {$xenOptions.XBOX} == 1">
<a href="{$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.XBOXf}}" target="_new" class="OXYgames xbox"/>
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.oxyGamePop} == 1"><span><div class="xboxcontainer"><div class="left2"><embed src="{$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.XBOXf}}.card" width="200px" height="135px"></div><div class="right2"><img src="{$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.XBOXf}}/avatar-body.png" width="68px" height="135px"></div></div></span>

<xen:if is="{$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.Steamf}} && {$xenOptions.Steam} == 1">
<a href="{$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.Steamf}}" target="_new" class="OXYgames steam"/>
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.oxyGamePop} == 1"><span><iframe src="/game_images/steamwidget.php?SteamID={$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.Steamf}}" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="120" width="230">{$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.Steamf}}</iframe></span>

Now it's off to bed.
Last edited:
Yep simple enough. I just feel bad for multiple updates! LMAO I figured 20 pixel space can wait a day or so for the next update XD
This is not worked code:
<a href="{$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.Steamf}}
An error was encountered while processing your request:

The specified profile could not be found.

Here's a link to the Steam Community home page.

Like that work fine:
<a href="{$user.customFields.{$xenOptions.Steamf}}

Fix it. ;)
There is a slight css conflict with the another mod. This one to be exact.

You are both using .steam in the css which can cause conflict. App unique naming is recommended. So far it only happens when viewing a conversation. When viewing a conversation the other apps tab bar entry shows your steam image and get's blended with the next tab entry. Easily fixed by app unique naming conventions.
Didnt think about it. Will do :) I will try to get an update done tonight. I am adding a few more popular game site account links like orgins, battlefield, call of duty elite, and I forgot the rest...

@ everyone iif there are anymore requests or suggestions try to get them in in the next few hours. I will be updating tonight.
Okay so the reason I originally used steam ID instead of PROFILE was because ID is permanent and PROFILE is not.

ID works for me and quite a few other members but for those are using profiles *modified their URL* it may not be working. My brother being one of those guys...

I'd rather have ID since that can never change? IDK I just use steam to play games, not to socialize. pardon my noobletness
There is a slight css conflict with the another mod. This one to be exact.

You are both using .steam in the css which can cause conflict. App unique naming is recommended. So far it only happens when viewing a conversation. When viewing a conversation the other apps tab bar entry shows your steam image and get's blended with the next tab entry. Easily fixed by app unique naming conventions.

I just noticed this happens when reading threads as well. I changed the css element from .steam to .oxysteam and it's fixed.
yeah new css has oxy applied to everything from options to css
THe only delay in the release is me making pop-up game cards for certain things. Sorry guys
Would it be possible to not use the images & just use a dl class with the gamercard popups? Like I want regular text like it's in the message user info.

<dl class="pairsJustified">
<dt>Xbox Live Gamertag:</dt>

Would it be possible to make the custom field text have the gamercard popup like the image?
So you want the game name to show up on hover rather than the game card? Ooooo before I release tomorrow afternoon I'll see about making that an option :) Simple enough, just have to take time and add it in!
So you want the game name to show up on hover rather than the game card? Ooooo before I release tomorrow afternoon I'll see about making that an option :) Simple enough, just have to take time and add it in!

This is basically what I'm talking about,

example of Message User Info

Messages: 10
Likes Received: 10
Trophy Points: 10
Xbox Live Gamertag: 420xCoDxSex (hover over the gamertag & it gives you the gamercard like it would on the Xbox image)
Goint to install this but having a problem with the Steam part. When entering a steam user ID the icon shows up but the pop up card doesn't, I'm getting a 404 error instead as per the image.

Goint to install this but having a problem with the Steam part. When entering a steam user ID the icon shows up but the pop up card doesn't, I'm getting a 404 error instead as per the image.

View attachment 56291
does actually exist?
There should have been a folder in the upload that contains the widget file
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