Lack of interest Option to specify CAPTCHA language

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Active member
Since our forum is non-English, would like to force a specific language for CAPTCHA.

I understand that the implementation is the following:
We don't specify a specific language code so we're allowing Google to detect your language (which is presumably using the Accept-Language header, though it could be doing GeoIP).

The only way to specify CAPTCHA language currently is to manually edit files captcha.js/captcha.min.js, which is not ideal.
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The only way to specify CAPTCHA language currently is to manually edit files captcha.js/captcha.min.js, which is not ideal.
Did you try to replace
<xf:js src="xf/captcha.js" min="1" />


<xf:js src="xf/captcha.js" min="1" />

(function ($, window, document, _undefined)
    "use strict";

    XF.ReCaptcha = XF.extend(XF.ReCaptcha, {
        init: function()
            if (!this.options.sitekey)

            var $form = this.$target.closest('form');

            if (this.options.invisible)
                var $reCaptchaTarget = $('<div />'),
                    $formRow = this.$target.closest('.formRow');

                this.$reCaptchaTarget = $reCaptchaTarget;

                $form.on('ajax-submit:before', XF.proxy(this, 'beforeSubmit'));
                this.$reCaptchaTarget = this.$target;

            $form.on('ajax-submit:error ajax-submit:always', XF.proxy(this, 'reload'));

            if (window.grecaptcha)
                XF.ReCaptcha.Callbacks.push(XF.proxy(this, 'create'));

                    url: '<languagecode>',
                    dataType: 'script',
                    cache: true,
                    global: false
} (jQuery, window, document));

in template captcha_recaptcha ?
That's interesting solution, thank you @Kirby.

Do you have similar code for hCaptcha, since it is the default provider:
The code does not work. Console displays Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push') in line XF.ReCaptcha.Callbacks.push(XF.proxy(this, 'create'));

Here is the fix for hCaptcha:

In template captcha_hcaptcha replace:
<xf:js src="xf/captcha.js" min="1" />
<xf:js src="xf/captcha.js" min="1" />

	XF.Element.extend('h-captcha', {
		init: function()
			if (!this.options.sitekey)

			var $form = this.$target.closest('form');

			$form.on('ajax-submit:error ajax-submit:always', XF.proxy(this, 'reload'));

			if (this.options.invisible)
				var $hCaptchaTarget = $('<div />'),
					$formRow = this.$target.closest('.formRow');

				this.$hCaptchaTarget = $hCaptchaTarget;

				$form.on('ajax-submit:before', XF.proxy(this, 'beforeSubmit'));
				this.$hCaptchaTarget = this.$target;

			if (window.hcaptcha)
				XF.HCaptcha.Callbacks.push(XF.proxy(this, 'create'));

				var options = {
					dataType: 'script',
					cache: true,
					global: false

				if (XF.browser.msie)
					// if msie then handle calling callbacks manually due to
					// an apparent issue with onload firing on IE11
					options.url = '<languagecode>';
					options.success = window.XFHCaptchaCallback;
					options.url = '<languagecode>';


But the problem is that this does not work for overlay for registration, contact and similar forms.
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